
this is what i mean

PILGRIM AT TINKER CREEK is officially my favorite book, if you haven't noticed.

"moses said to God, 'i beseech thee, shew me thy glory.' and God said, 'thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live.' but He added, 'there is a place by Me, and thou shalt stand upon a rock: and it shall come to pass, while My glory passeth by, that I will put thee in a clift of the rock, and will cover thee with My hand while I pass by: and I will take away Mine hand, and thou shalt see My back parts: but My face shall not be seen.' so moses went up on mount sinai, waited still in a clift of the rock, and saw the back parts of God. forty years later he went up on mount pisgah, and saw the promised land across the jordan, which he was to die without ever being permitted to enter.

just a glimpse, moses: a clift in the rock here, a mountaintop there, and the rest is denial and longing. you have to stalk everything. everything scatters and gathers; everything comes and goes like fish under a bridge. you have to stalk the Spirit, too. you can wait forgetful anywhere, for anywhere is the way of His fleet passage, and hope to catch Him by the tail and shout something in His ear before He wrests away. or you can pursue Him wherever you dare, risking the shrunken sinew in the hollow of the thigh; you can bang at the door all night till the innkeeper relents, if He ever relents; and you can wail till you're hoarse or worse cry for incarnation always in john knoepfle's poem: 'and Christ is red rover...and the children are calling/come over come over.' i sit on a bridge as on pisgah or sinai, and i am both waiting becalmed in a clift of the rock and banging with all my will, calling like a child at the door beating on a door: come on out! ... i know You're there."

--annie dillard, PILGRIM AT TINKER CREEK, chapter 11 "stalking"

6:42 pm - 02.18.2006


there's music playing: group four (massive attack)

i'm reading: first corinthians

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