
on clicking noses and clucking chickens

i'm feeling a little sad about how fast time goes by these days. on a happy note, summer will be here in two seconds.

1) thursday afternoon i was pleased to notice that all the swelling in my nose had gone down and i was looking quite normal. however, when i went to feel the bridge of my nose with my fingertips, i noticed a strange asymmetry, as well as a scary clicking noise if i tapped the right spot. "ah blast," i thought. then i spent a few hours stressing about insurance, without really doing anything. then i finally went to urgent care (out of network, no less) on friday and got the darn thing x-rayed. strangely, in order to x-ray my nose, the lady made me push it up against this weird piece of metal. very awkward and rather counterintuitive. anyway, all this to say that i was convinced that i had lied to you folks when i said that nothing had broken as a result of hard core collision with tree via snowboard. however, one week and probably some obscene amount of money later, it looks like it's a "contusion." how that explains the clicking noise, i'll never know. at least now i have a sure-fire way to gross people out if i ever feel like it.

2) i had one of the funnier experiences of my lifetime this morning. i was sleeping soundly in a bunk in a cabin at the LC retreat, all snuggly in my sleeping bag, visions of party games dancing in my head. apparently, in my dream world there is a game where the objective is to go around in a big circle and make animal noises, one person after the other, as quickly as possible. i was very impressed, people were coming up with very real sounding noises, and they were moving fast. my turn was coming up quickly. what sound would i make? would it make the cut? come on, meghan. think of an animal! it's almost your turn. two more people. one more person... and then... pekaaawwwwk!!! brilliant! this is the authentic noise that a chicken makes. don't give me any of that "cluck cluck" nonsense. this might as well have come straight from the hen's larynx. here's the thing: i was sleeping in a room full of people, probably at least 10 girls, and you know, i yelled my animal noise out loud. PEKAWWWWK!! fortunately, the only person i woke up was myself. everybody else was sorry they missed it, once i told them the story. i'd be sorry too, if i'd missed it.

10:38 pm - 01.14.2006


there's music playing: coldplay

i'm reading: so many different books i don't even bother counting anymore

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